Saturday, February 4, 2017

Stockholm, Sweden (Part 2) - The Vasa Museum

The Vasa - built between 1625 -1627 and sank into the Stockholm harbor when launched (because it was top heavy).  We spent nearly the entire afternoon in this museum and it was awe-inspiring to see how large these ships were.

Stockholm, Sweden (Part 1)

Our trip is coming to an end, and we cannot believe it.  First, in Norway, it never got dark but now we are in Stockholm, and it does get dark for a few hours each night.

Today we saw the Gamla Stan (old town)...

Coolest museum ever - Viking Ship museum

Three large ships that were buried with Vikings, some of whom were women and may have been queens, and within the ships were clothing, a carved sled, other carved items.  It was awesome!

And after this, we had to take bus back to central Oslo, take a train the airport and fly from Oslo to Stockholm.  As I said, it was a busy day seeing as much as we could in Oslo.

Day in Oslo

We got in later than we expected but we have a full-day in Oslo today & lots to see in a short period of time.  The whole reason we came to Oslo - the Viking Ship museum... but not before seeing 'old' town, the famous opera house on the water, and the old military fort guarding Oslo.